Reflection on the course Research Methods

This is the last post for this research methods blog. In this we have to share our feelings like what we have learned, what we have enjoyed (or not!). 

For me I enjoyed this course a lot and this type of subject is completely new to me and in my previous studies i did not see this type of subject. Here i have to talk about MR.Lars Dam. He is the good tutor and his way of teaching is different than other tutors why because his explanations are too creative. I like the way how he give me feedback every week about my blogs and I believe he is the right tutor for this course.

And definitely this research methods is so useful why because this subject will trigger our researching skills and How to read an article and analyze is something which will help through every phase of life  and it will be useful for the next semester project.


Saturday Night Live Snl GIF

Project interest Area

1.  Broad Research/Project Interest Area

  • Short description of the area of IT that interests you (explain it to me!)
  • My area of interest is VIRTUAL REALITY because literally makes it possible to experience anything, anywhere, anytime. It is the most immersive type of reality technology and can convince the human brain that it is somewhere it is really not.
  • Why is it interesting to you.

Because, it convince the human brain which is not real and now this technology using in gaming, medical,education …etc fields.

  • Three things you know about it

Virtual reality has dominated tech headlines in recent years with its ability to immerse its users in a virtual, yet safe, world. Gaming is one of the more well-known uses for VR but its potential doesn’t stop there. Here are some ways VR technology can be applied in other fields like military,sports, education.

  • Three things you believe about it

Surely it  giving scope for a great leap for adverse fields. … It correlates an in-depth detail about the origin and history of early virtual reality and elaborates the current stand of this technology in the society.

 Three things you don’t know about it  

I have so much interest in Virtual reality technology but I thought it is only used for gaming purpose but it is used in the medical field, military, also for training purposes.And i have to search about it clearly.

  • Would you rather: Do something, Research it or Do both

 If I get a chance I want to do the research like How the virtual technology is used for training purposes.

S. Bakogianni, E. Kavakli, V. Karkou, and M. Tsakogianni, “Teaching Traditional Dance Using E-Learning Tools: Experience from the WebDANCE Project,” Proc. 21st World Congress on Dance Research: Dancers without Frontiers (CID ’07), Sept. 2007.

 [2] N. Magnenat-Thalmann and C. Joslin, “Learning How to Dance on the Internet,” Proc. Sixth Int’l Conf. Web-Based Learning (ICWL ’07), Aug. 2007.

2. Identifying a possible project

  • Construct 10 (interesting!) questions about your topic

Identify three good questions/ideas

There will be many questions striking in my mind:

Who is invented this virtual reality?

How the virtual reality works? 

How it is used for training purposes.?

How it is used in medical field?

How it is giving navigation ?

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

How Virtual reality used for the dancing practice?

3. Making a choice

  • Choose one of the questions and make a more detailed description of what you would do to answer/explore the question i.e. the first draft of your list of activities

Question; how Virtual reality used  in dance training system using motion capture technology?

I have to do research  about virtual applications…

And how motion matching works..

And about animation with motion with music.

  • Write a title for this possible project.

A Virtual Reality Dance Training System Using Motion Capture Technology 

5. Intellectual Property

  • The paper copyright will be open for people to use as additional research.
  • People should consider copyright and avoid plagiarism. And using no more than 10% the same words and sentences from other people’s essays or reports. For me, I will open part of Copyright—Creative Commons.

Ethical Behaviour

In my opinion Ethical behaviour means being good human. like honesty, pure of heart, with some courage and being generous.

Here Some situations are presented and we have to say if they are ethical or not, and why?

1.You find some good images on the web that would look good on your site.  You copy and paste them to your blog?

we can do this when the images does not have any copy right issues. other wise we have to refer author name.

2.You are in a hurry to finish an assignment and you find the perfect explanation of a difficult concept on Wikipedia. You decide to copy it into your work?

We can not copy directly because it is plagiarism. Still If we want to take that matter you have to mention reference and in this situation also we have take main subject and need to write in our own style.

3.You are a medical researcher and you think you have discovered a new drug that cures lung cancer.  It worked well on mice although a few of them died of heart problems. You want to test it on people.  You recruit 100 lung cancer patients into your treatment program. You don’t tell them about the new drug.  You treat 50 patients with usual drugs and 50 with the new drug to see which is better?

First of all we have to discuss about new drug and convince them for treatment otherwise it is unethical behaviour. like we seen the video of unethical behaviour in the last class.

4.You are doing your PhD about drug abuse among students.  You interview 30 students about their drug use. You discover that one of the students is actually a fairly big-time dealer and you report him to the police?

It is the best example for ethical behaviour because as a responsible person we have to take care of about society.

5.You are a researcher looking at the effect of violent computer games on children.  You recruit 20 children into your study. Over a month you regularly show them images of violence to see if it has an adverse effect on their behaviour.  One of the children becomes quite distressed each time and so you stop showing her images and drop her from the study?

I believe this is ethical but we have to see about children mental conditions also. we can do this experiment in another way like showing some times peaceful images and some times violence related images.

6.You want to research how easy it is to hack into your organisation’s computer system by persuading people to divulge login and password details.  You recruit a small team to ring up key people in the organisation and persuade them to give either their own or their boss’s details?

It is highly unethical and indecent . we can not do that because in any organisation trust is the main pillar for success and some security issues are related here. so we can not give the our organisation details.

7.You are doing an initial research in area of a town where may bars and pubs are located, to estimate the level of problematic social behaviour in the area. your research is independent from the police, because you want to observe their behaviour as well. You observe both abusive and violent behaviour?

This is ethical, because, we are not creating any harmful situations or violence we are just observing here.

Area of research interest peer review

In this we have to give peer review about one of classmates area of interest so, for this exercise i chooses Marcellus ‘s area of interest which is “VIRTUAL REALITY THERAPY” because i am also have so much interest in VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNOLOGY but i have little bit confusion like “what type of application i have to choose related to virtual technology because it have so much applications like Sports, Medical training,Education, Mental health, Military.

Image result for virtual reality technology applications

Here Marcellus ‘s area of interest is Virtual reality therapy and in this he wants to research about

  • What specific kind of anxiety or phobia will the technology help to reduce
  • How can a Virtual reality software help reduce certain anxiety or phobia?
  • Will Virtual reality technology be used for reducing stress

I love his interests and i am looking forward to his research.

If i talk about me I am also reading some journals about virtual technology surely i will also come up with another application.

Area of interest

What interests me about IT and what doesn’t.

(a ‘warming you up to the real stuff’ exercise!)

This is intended to be fun but to get you thinking about yourself!

Finish these sentences in no more than 10 words.

The IT area/subject I have most enjoyed is ….Networking

The IT area/subject I least enjoyed is…..system analysis and design

The IT area/subject I was most interested in is…..Enterprise infrastructure

The one IT thing I never want to have to do again is…………..coding

I chose to study IT because I  ……. I am very interested in networking

If I couldn’t study IT I would study………..biotechnology

When I was a kid I wanted to be………………..scientist

One IT thing I would like to know more about is   ……..I am a beginner to this networking (IT) course so, I want to know more networking.

My opinion about other students blogs.

Decide whose blog is most useful to other students – search through the other student blogs, find the one that you think is the most useful to you and write why you think it is useful in your own blog.

When i started searching and finding other student blogs, I was so confused because, How i judge someone”s blog is good? But after some research what i find is not everyone perfect in each and every post of their blogging.

Here i am talking only about Research Methods blogging

Image result for in my opinion

And that to some students have previous experience about blogging and some students are completely new to this blogging.

If i talk about Sinhara silva, Aline, and Arjun blogs The way of their presentation and clear vision, elaborating the matter ,giving examples and adding pictures is very good. Yes these guys  have some good skills in writing due to their previous work experience.And i recommend to read their blogs.

But if i talk about each post the students, Reetinder kaur is very good in the Case study research, Destinnie is given good explanation about  scientific paradigms, Shivangi is good in the ontology and Epistemology topic, Marcellus and Jasveer singh i like their selection of academic papers and oleg, Balaji in every post they are trying to give best explanations but some times Balaji deviated from the main topic.

If i talk about my own blog, I have never done blogging in previous studies and it is completely new for me. But every time i am trying to give my best.


Academic papers – a reading exercise

For this exercise, I selected one journal to read it and answer the following questions about it:

  1. Did the abstract tell you the three things Lars said it should? If not, what did it tell you?
  2. What seems to be the research question(s) they were trying to answer ?
  3. What  methods did they use to answer the question(s)?
  4. How credible do you think the paper is?
  5. Did you agree or not with what they wrote in their conclusion? Why?
  6. Briefly describe two things that you learnt from the paper. 
  7. In no more than 250 of your own words (i.e. a paraphrase), describe what the paper is about.

Article chosen:

STEVE JOBS AND APPLE, INC. By Todd A. Finkle, Gonzaga University Michael L. Mallin, The University of Toledo, Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, published in Number 8, 2010

Did the abstract tell you the three things Lars said it should? If not, what did it tell you?

  • The primary issues in this case involve business startup and management, and are appropriate for entrepreneurship and management courses.
  • A secondary issue demonstrates how personal drive and motivation are critical components of successfully managing and growing a business, thereby making this case appropriate for discussion on the topic of strategic management.
  • The case chronicles the life and passion of entrepreneur, Steve Jobs – illustrating the rise, fall, and current state of the Apple Computer Company.

What seems to be the research question(s) they were trying to answer ?

The purpose of this case is to illustrate to students how individual passion, determination, and innovation is a critical element in business start up success and also to stimulate critical thinking in terms of future direction for a company in a struggling economy.

What  methods did they use to answer the question(s)?

They Discussed the attributes that contribute to the success of Steve Jobs like,

  • About his Passion
  • About his Intelligence and Confidence
  • About Resourcefulness
  • About his Visionary and Opportunistic
  • Driven and Hard Working About his Passion

And also they are asking some questions to students like a survey about

1.which company product you use?

2.why you are preferring that?

3. comparison with other products?

How credible do you think the paper is?

Definitely, It is 100% credible because as all we know Steve jobs is great person, In order to create products that inspired love (thereby making Apple the most valuable company in the world), Steve Jobs spent his entire career fighting against the most-deeply held beliefs of nearly everyone else in his industry. Steve Jobs innovated against the grain, flouting conventional wisdom. And the rise, fall, and current state of the Apple Computer Company. He is such a inspiration for every youngsters not only for entrepreneurs.

Briefly describe two things that you learnt from the paper

I was read about the historical background of one of the most successful companies in the world and consistently voted the most innovative company.

In this i was examined the psychology of an entrepreneur, Steve Jobs, and takes the student through the entrepreneurial process of starting Apple along with Steve Wozniak.

 Describe what the paper is about?

Steve Jobs

This is a journal about Steve jobs and how his life started as a poor and how he become a entrepreneur. And also his falls and rises in the life and his psychology as an entrepreneur and what type of people he chosen for the company success. And some real incidents in his life all these things are how inspirational for younger people.

Every one have ups and downs in their life but some of them are only fight for their passion till their last breath like Steve jobs,and also I am very surprised why he removed from his own company.

We have lot of devices from other companies like apple but why we are seeing Apple products differently?

How did he influence others by his speeches and Quotes and his passion and dedication.

His willingness to take risk.

I personally like his quotes and here my favorite quote is

” And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary”


Angelelli, L. (2008). Steve Paul Jobs. Computer Science Department NSF-Supported Education Infrastructure Project.

Deutschman, A. (2000). The Second Coming of Steve Jobs. Broadway Books, New York. Kahney, L. (2008). Inside Steve’s Brain. New York

: Penguin Books Ltd. Linzmayer, O.W. (2004). Apple Confidential, The Real Story of Apple Computer, Inc. New York, 4. Moisescot, R. (2008). Steve Jobs

: A Biography by Romain Moisescot. All About Steve Jobs,

 Stone, B. (2009). Can Apple Fill the Void? New York Times, (January 15, 2009),

Young, J. S. and W. L. Simon (2005). iCon Steve Jobs:

 The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 35


So, What exactly do we mean when we say secondary research?

In order to explain the secondary research. let’s first recall what is “primary research”. Primary research defined as a methodology used by researchers to collect data directly. Technically, they “own” the data. Primary research is solely carried out to address a certain problem, which requires in-depth analysis.

Secondary research or desk research is a  methodology that involves using already existing data. Existing data is summarized and collated to increase the overall effectiveness of research.

Secondary research includes research material published in research reports and similar documents. These documents can be made available by public libraries, websites Some government and non-government agencies also store data, that can be used for research purposes and can be retrieved from them.


Because the researcher did not collect the data that he or she will be working with, it’s imperative for him or her to become familiar with the data set. This familiarization process entails:

  • Learning about how the data was collected
  • Learning who the population of the study was
  • Learning what the objective of the original study was
  • Determining what the response categories were for each question displayed to survey respondents
  • Evaluating whether or not weights need to be applied during the analysis of the data.


One of the most noticeable advantages of using secondary data analysis is its cost effectiveness.

Because someone else has already collected the data, the researcher does not need to invest any money, time, or effort into the data collection stages of his or her study.  

secondary data is also time effective because set is typically already cleaned and stored in an electronic format, so the researcher can spend his or her time rolling up their sleeves and analyzing the data instead of spending time having to prepare the data for analysis.

Most information is secondary research is readily available. There are many sources from which relevant data can be collected and used, unlike primary research, where data needs to collect from scratch.


Although data is readily available, credibility evaluation must be performed to understand the authenticity of the information available.

Not all secondary data resources offer the latest reports and statistics. Even when the data is accurate, it may not be updated enough to accommodate recent timelines.

Secondary research derives its conclusion from collective primary research data. The success of your research will depend, to a greater extent, on the quality of research already conducted by primary research.


Here i am giving an example.

Image result for artificial intelligence

If we talk about artificial intelligence (AI). we have chatbots like Siri(2010) Google now(2012), Alexa(2015).

These bots are respond to voice commands,play music and perform internet searches. These chatbots are not created directly, These are implemented by doing secondary research only.

We already have a chatbot called ELIZA, In 1966 by Joseph Weizenbaum, was one of the first chatbots. In fact the principles used in ELIZA laid a foundation for the structures of chatbots, such as keywords, specific phrases, and preprogrammed responses.

Not only artificial intelligence. Now there are so much of technologies implemented by using secondary research method.

Image result for eliza chatbot
Computer program ELIZA


secondary research


Computational thinking (CT) is a problem-solving process that includes (but is not limited to) the following characteristics:

  • Formulating problems in a way that enables us to use a computer and other tools to help solve them
  • Logically organizing and analyzing data
  • Representing data through abstractions such as models and simulations
  • Automating solutions through algorithmic thinking (a series of ordered steps)
  • Identifying, analyzing, and implementing possible solutions with the goal of achieving the most efficient and effective combination of steps and resources
  • Generalizing and transferring this problem solving process to a wide variety of problems

First source of evidence:

  • URL used to find about COMPUTATIONAL THINKING
  • Search term used: Computational thinking
  • Who write it and when: Brennan, K., & Resnick, M. (2012) .
  • How you find it: By using Google scholar.
  • What kind of publication: Research paper.

Second source of evidence:

  • URL:
  • Search term used: Computational thinking.
  • How you find it: By searching in Youtube.
  • Who created and when:Microsoft Research. (2016).
  • Credibility: I think it is 90% because it is explained by Asia Faculty Summit 2012, Jeannette Wing, head of the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University,

Third source of evidence:


First source of evidence:

Second source of evidence:

  • Search term used : Virtualization Technology .
  • How you found it :By searching in Youtube.
  • who wrote it and when: Cloud Academy (2016) .
  • What kind of publication: Global journal .
  • How Credible: i think it is 50% credible because it is a free base to upload any videos in youtube.

Third source of evidence:

Ontology ,epistemology and Paradigm

What is Ontology? How is it relevant to research?

ontology is the philosophical study and it is revolving around the reality.simply ontology means researching about what there is and what is possible related to reality which exists around the surrounding environment and which surrounds us.

when we comes to research then ontology is what we can accept as a real without doing further research simply we have to first analyze about anything, it might be testing the reality which exists around environment.

What is Epistemology? How is it relevant to research?

Epistemology means dealing with the nature of knowledge and ways of thinking, knowing and learning about the reality.  simply epistemology is what we perceive and describe reality to be.

when we comes to research then epistemology is very important because it is good to do some research on particular topic and finding whether it’s true or not. which we could understand reality, and the degree to which we could use that knowledge to promote our lives and goals.

What is the connection between Ontology and Epistemology in the research context?

definitely ontology and epistemology are related to research contest but the ways are different because as we discussed earlier ontology mainly focused on “what is reality”. and epistemology mainly focused on “knowledge.


paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field. simply it is set of assumptions, facts or set of ideas.


Scientific paradigm is necessary because to start the research on a particular topic here our assumptions and ideas plays important role in scientific paradigm.

for example we know that every object is attracted towards the earth by a gravitational force if a body can overcome this force it can float in air means object is unaffected by gravity from this paradigm we can evaluate new ideas, views for new research.